Sunday, March 11, 2012

Guitar cake

A cool cake that's great for all kinds of occasions is a guitar cake. So if you got a guitar player  or a  little rock star who has a birthday coming up this cake is sure to please. All you need is a little time and a few basic cake decorating tools. This is what the ramblin chef used to make this guitar cake.

1) Square cake pan sized to fit guitar template.
2) Cut out of a guitar outline.
3) Butter cream  frosting.
4) Piping bag an tip .
5) Frosting colors .

Bake your cake using whatever kind of cake or cake mix you want. After the cake is baked and cool. Your are now ready to use your template to cut out the guitar shape
Once you got your two shapes cut out. You are ready to place them together and crumb coat them

Store the cake in the fridge for at least 30 min, longer will not hurt the cake as you want the frosting to be firm. While that is in the fridge with the left over butter cream  divide in to bowls and mix the colors that you will be using . Black is best used for the strings the frets and any other detail that may be need . Black frosting is used in the piping bag with a small round tip. Once the cake is set and ready for the frosting apply  to sections of the guitar that you want that colored.

As always have fun and be creative.

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